Monday, April 14, 2014

sharing words, the power of shared words

Hi all and any Learners!!

How do these poems fit your Learning Journey? Read and ponder and share your thoughts...

by Beverly McLoughland

The biggest surprise
On the library shelf
Is when you suddenly
Find yourself
Inside a book,
(the HIDDEN you)
you wonder how
The author knew!  

The Poet Says
by Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz

A poem is a part of me-
A part of me you do not see
You see my head
You see my find,
But you can't see what's in my mind,
So I must write that part of me
That part of me you cannot see.
I take some paper,
A pencil, or pen
To write what's in my mind and then…
You have a poem
To read and… See !
I’ve given you
Apart of me.

Yours in Learning,