Monday, February 27, 2012

The Learning Journey - details

Monday February 27, 2012
GREETINGS all you learners!
I am adding new content to my postings! Writing is so very important! It is time to review the Learning Journey that has evolved through my teaching of the last several years because the Learning Journey provides the foundation principles for the reasons we need to write.
We are all on a learning journey, everyday of our lives. As learners we are constantly bombarded with new information; not all of it can be processed; we pay attention to what is most intriguing to us personally; to the ‘great ideas’, to the things we want to know more about, to the things that fill us with questions. As learners we go after the answers to our questions and assume we are gathering accurate information as we WRITE (in our idea-catcher notebooks) and take opportunity to ponder the information we gather. We must think about what we WRITE on purpose; we must practice paying attention to our feelings and thoughts and ideas, watch for answers to appear that may satisfy our questions.
We must test our answers by “playing” with them; we must use our whole body to talk, draw, write, craft, design…..test, try, prove our ideas work. Our body informs our mind.  Imagination kicks in and connects new understanding to our ideas and helps us create a product or service that makes our idea visible; (and we WRITE/draw how we will make it visible) we show it off to others, demonstrate it, articulate it, prove it works and see how the “world” responds. We may make adjustments (re-writes) but we don’t abandon our “great ideas”. Act on them, build on what your answers demand, publish(->in writing) them to the world, make a difference.
Teacher/parent note: When we mentor learning for others we are on a special kind of journey. We are obliged to seek out and offer the “great ideas” (truths) to our learners. We strive for the best methods for introducing these truths and expend every effort encouraging learners to ask their own questions. We are charged with providing the very best resources possible for our students to explore as they gather accurate information. We give honest feedback, and show the wide variety of ways product can be made visible. We create service and growth opportunities for our learner.
Yours In Learning,
Further posts pending….!!
Mrs. J

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What is a Mentor?

I spent an interesting hour this morning with half dozen 1st to 3rd grade learners discussing the need for mentors on our Hero Journey. We read and discussed the beautiful picture book story Me and Mr. Mah 
written by Angela Spalding and illustrated by Janet Wilson. Mr. Mah is a wonderful fictional portrayal of the qualities of a great mentor. Here is the list of mentor behaviors in Mr. Mah that the children helped me discover: 1. He completely accepted Ian as he was - no judgements. 2. He gifted Ian with sunflower seeds and 3. invited Ian into his garden and 4. he let Ian touch and nibble and smell his way through the unfamiliar vegetables. 5. Mr. Mah taught him specific skills about how to take care of his sunflowers. 6. Mr. Mah gifted Ian with his time and 7. a listening ear and heart. 8. As they shared feelings and memories  9. Trust grew between them. 10. They showed concern for each other and, most important, 11. through serving each other unconditionally they grew to love each other.
Notice all the ACTION words; mentors DO things. Who are the mentors in your life? Who can you mentor in return? Can a great book be a mentor? Can a beloved pet be a mentor? Pay attention, learn to recognize when you are being mentored and enjoy the journey!

Always learning,
Mrs. J