Tuesday, June 11, 2013

power of words to heal, sentence forms generate meaning

Words are the key:
Musings of Linda Anne Judd Johnson
May 28 – June 11, 2013

Feelings become thoughts; thoughts become ideas;
Ideas become visible by turning into words;
Words put in the order prescribed by sentence FORMS
Acquire the power to generate meaning;
the Holy Ghost can verify the truth of our words
and teach us more and enlarge our understanding.

Words are a gift from a loving Heavenly Father;
we are responsible for how we use them.

"Conversion comes not through our words but through the heavenly ministrations of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes all it takes is one single phrase of our testimony or about an experience to set in motion the softening of a heart or the opening of a door that can lead others to experience sublime truths through the promptings of the Spirit." President Uchtdorf

“How sweet are thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter
than honey to my mouth!”
Psalm 119:103

Trust me, though, the words were on their way, and when they arrived, Liesel would hold them in her hands like the clouds, and she would wring them out like rain.”
“Once, words had rendered Liesel useless, but now, when she sat on the floor, with the mayor’s wife at her husband’s desk , she felt an innate sense of power. It happened every time she deciphered a new word or pieced together a sentence.
She was a girl.
In Nazi Germany.
How fitting that she was discovering the power of words.
Markus Zusak, The Book Thief

“The pressure disappeared with the first word he put on paper. He thought--while his hand moved rapidly--what a power there was in words; later, for those who heard them, but first for the one who found them; a healing power, a solution, like the breaking of a barrier. He thought, perhaps the basic secret the scientists have not discovered, the first fount of life, is that which happens when a thought takes shape in words.”
Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead

Remember the power of your own voices; best wishes, friends. Keep in touch. 403-756-3991  lajjstirling@gmail.com

I am building Egypt!
Jarom Hubbard age 5 June 11, 2013

“The options become endless when you get to the heart of your daydreams and remember why they made your heart sing in the first place.”  Read more: http://www.careershifters.org/expert-advice/introducing-your-perfect-careers-advisor-you-aged-10#ixzz2VvyiK3JR
RE-ignite your own learning journey by discovering the power of your own words.
Yours thoughts are welcome…..Mrs. J