January 10, 2013
Mrs. J’s Musings;
… after two opportunities to share an introductory
questioning class;
one with a learning family and one with older ladies:
Presentation: discussion…
Presentation: discussion…
“We grow in the
direction of the questions we are asking.” –unknown
questions grow from our prior knowledge and interests.
“You do not fully
understand a thought (or
idea, shared by someone)
until you understand
the question (the
reason, from their prior experience)
that gives rise to it.”-the Art of Socratic Questioning
What is their purpose;
what is their motivation for pursuing this line of questioning?
And, a vital question; what
is a question?
From a 12 year old: A way to get information; from a senior
lady: A way of seeking knowledge. And,
“questions are born of necessity.” h-m-m-m…
Discussion: This quote, “Millions saw the apple
fall, but Newton was the only one who asked why.”-(Bernard Barach) is an example of this quote:
“Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and
thinking what nobody has thought.” –(Albert Szent-Gyorgi)
Thoughts developed: ‘Don’t make hurried judgments;
wait, think, ponder about what you are seeing; your mind will work harder, you
will see more details; your perspective will shift, if it is near you will see
far; are you looking up? Try looking down; What will it be like tomorrow……?”seek
first to understand”.’
Sample Activity: Whitcomb L. Judson -zipper -1893
William Horlick -malted milk -1882
Theophilus Van Kannel –revolving door-
(from a list of 35 ‘unsung heros’)
Discuss the possible
reason each inventor had –from their own prior experiences-
that gave rise to the question that preceded each invention.
Then do some more research…………….
If you
have just arrived at this BLOG you may gain greater understanding of the
importance of asking questions going back to my December 20 BLOG and moving
forward….Mrs. J
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