Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Questions, answers, thoughts, ideas, think, write,draw

Blog entry December 26, 2012 Mrs. J musing

Questions bring answers;
Answers produce thoughts;
Thoughts generate ideas;
Ideas need catching.
-basic truths according to Mrs. J

Consider the following quotes:
1.     “But words are things and a small drop of ink, falling like dew upon
a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions,
think.” –Lord Byron
Thoughts unseen, require the motion of the arm fueled by the desire of the heart to create purposeful application of pen to paper; where words – thoughts made visible – are held securely and available for further processing. – Mrs. J
2.     “Increasingly I have felt that the art of writing is…translating…What is the other text, the original? …it is the deep sea where ideas swim, and one catches them in nets of words and swings them shining into the boat…” -Ursula LeGuin
Translating – a great metaphor for moving the unseen thought to the visible word. Boat – a perfect metaphor for the varied products that may serve as idea-catchers: notebooks of endless variety, cards, sketch books; not electronic, if you please; an idea has to be processed through the movement of the arm, not the tapping of the fingers.
 –Mrs. J
3.     “Drawing is putting a line around an idea.” –Henri Matisse
The pen may be a pencil; the pencil may be in color or it
may change to a brush. It may be showing words or numbers or images or musical notes, in lists or lines, on staffs or all over the page.-Mrs. J

May you, dear reader, feel the urgency today to write down your questions; your answers, your thoughts turned to ideas. Feel the power of ownership when you see your own words on paper. Feel responsible for them.
Save them, return to them for further processing.
In upcoming Blogs we will consider how Socratic questioning can facilitate powerful processing………
Always learning,
Mrs. J

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