December 29, 2012 Mrs. J morning Muse
First, a summary of what I have learned so far:
*”Questions bring
Answers produce
Thoughts generate
Ideas need catching.”
This is easily evident in the lives of young children, can
you site some examples of your own?)
* Record (catch) answers because thoughts recorded generate
ideas that can be made visible; that can be ‘played with’ and expanded.
* Boyd K.
Packer advises: “As you listen, it is important to organize what you learn.
Take what you have heard, and then make it yours by writing it down and
expanding it.” Why? Here is an answer from Richard G. Scott: “Knowledge
carefully recorded is knowledge available in time of need.”
thoughts turn a corner. ¬ As an adult teacher/mentor I am obliged to dispense
knowledge. I have discussed the ‘learning journey’ in our own lives; how does
this knowledge impact our responsibility to learners in our charge?
“Assume that you do
not fully understand a thought until you understand the question that gives
rise to it.” –The Art of Socratic Questioning
Socrates suggests that we ask questions about questions! EXAMPLE of Socratic Questioning for
gaining deeper understanding of a question being asked:(page 22 in The Art of Socratic Questioning):
*How can we find out? *Is this the same issue as ________?)
*How could someone settle this question?
*Can we break this question down at all?
*Is the question
clear? Do we understand it?
* How would
___________ put the issue? *What does this question assume?
*Why is this
question important?
*Does this question
ask us to evaluate something?
*Do we need facts to
answer this?
*Do we all agree
that this is the question?
*To answer this question, what other questions
would we have to answer first?
(This is a segment
from Socrates Elements of Thought… I will share more in upcoming BLOGs. The
first BLOG in this series is dated December 20, 2012.)