Thursday, September 6, 2012

Pearl Harbor, Arizona Memorial, Honolulu

Pear Harbor far larger than I had imagined it being. We watched a very informative documentary relating the details of the attack before taking the barge over to the Arizona Memorial. The ride was free but we had to get their early to get tickets for that day - we were in line at 20 to 8and got tickets for the 11 o'clock trip.
As we crossed the immense and deep bay I realized the magnitude of the terror and destruction that reigned thatfateful day so long ago. A reverent feeling prevailed as we contemplated the lives lost and bones still resting in
these waters.  

 The Arizona still sits on the bottom of Pearl Harbor. You can see the ghost outline of it in the map above. The white line on top is the location of the memorial we were about to visit. Rusted remains of the Arizona protrude from the water below. 

 Every name of every life lost is on the memorial wall. I found one Judd name, below, A.J.Judd. Not related that I am aware of, but a connection just the same. 

 The memorial was open to the elements; which are most always hospitable in Honolulu. The warm humid air made my hair curly and my skin soft. The heat at Pearl Harbor got rather oppressive. 
 The barge dropped us off with crowds of others, picked up a bunch and headed back across the water, back and forth, about every half hour,  steadily, all day. I remember a tiny thrill run through my heart when I realized we were in a structure in the middle of Pearl Harbor with no way off! for 20 minutes!
I enjoyed the breeze off the water on our way back to starting point......we browsed the touristy book stores full of great things for WWII history buffs. 
We rode a bus to the Missouri tour, the only ship still floating after it all ended......

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