Friday, August 17, 2012

July 4 on Waikiki

August 17, 2012
We were on Waikiki Beach on the 4th of July; the streets were flowing with masses of tourists
from widely separated corners of the globe. We talked to many people from New Zealand and
Australia. The beach, the blue sea, the surfers, were incredible to watch. Across the street from our
Aston Waikiki Beach hotel was the Honolulu Zoo. Chris and I spent the entire afternoon at the zoo.

Here we saw our first Banyan trees. I chose to include this image of a Banyan tree. It poorly portrays
the immensity of the tree. A human standing next to one of those roots would would be barely a 5th
of the way up the image. The trees grow up and up to create a canopy probably 60 or more feet
overhead. The various branches drop roots straight back to the ground creating walls and rooms
and a castle-like structure. Kids played hide and seek between the roots; some young boys climbed to a 'knee' and swung on 'root' vines, teasing each other all the while. A photographer was doing a fashion
photo shoot in now of the alcoves. I like trees and these were fascinating.

The sun went down every night at 7:15 and it was dark by 7:30. Just after dark on July 4, we watched fireworks exploding out over the water.

Articulation score: h-m-m ?

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