Friday, April 20, 2012

Personal Teaching Quest refined

April 20, 2012
Articulation by Linda A.J. Johnson
As a teacher/mentor my personal mandate is to introduce my students to the best of the great ideas, to lead them to the discovery of their own questions and to provide resources where they might begin to answer those questions.
Personal teaching goals:

1. Change compliant ‘tell me what to think, say, do’, behavior, back to: ‘Here are great ideas; what do you know about them; what questions would you like answered? Stop imposing learning, start extracting ideas together. Acknowledge and respect the needs of each learner and provide them with access to accurate information.’ Curriculum is resource NOT end in itself.

2. Re-introduce time and opportunity to develop thinking skills: replace the ‘here’s all the information you need, and here’s your homework assignment’ with the time to ponder ‘great ideas’ on purpose; notice personal feelings, thoughts (questions) and ideas (possibilities) and write/draw them down.

3. Provide time to re-experience multiple ways of examining ideas: Be re-allowed the time to “Play” with ‘catching’ ideas by writing, drawing, labeling, talking, touching, tasting, constructing, composing, demonstrating, etc. etc. Realize that curriculum is not the end in itself but provides resources to choose among and play with. Be encouraged to use imagination in creating connections between ideas; be in charge of self-development - of ‘voice’; articulate understanding by sharing in media of choice.

4. Build on confident voice; continually searching out the great ideas in all disciplines; continually strengthening personal thinking skills; continually refining creative connections into product: writing, art, constructions, models, recipes, compositions etc. that can be published to audience and make the world a better place. 

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